
We LOVE Our Volunteers!

Want to make a difference in the lives of our local families, and experience the joy of being involved in programs that improve the quality of life for those in need? There are many opportunities to volunteer. We are always in need of help in various areas of our program.


  • SIBLINGS UNITE – We are looking for a licensed counselor to donate two hours, one evening per month. This person would facilitate casual group discussions of siblings of those with disabilities. We also need an adult to coordinate/oversee the monthly group meetings/activities. (Contact us for program details.)
  • SERVICE AGENCY DATA COLLECTION – We need folks that can dedicate a few hours per month to research/locate available disability programs, resources and services. This volunteer position would include following up with our local and state partner agencies to update their program information.
  • COMMUNITY AMBASSADORS – Outreach is a main focus for our organization. These roles will cover various duties, to include: sharing program information, presenting training sessions on disability topics, and serving as a liaison for THE PALMETTO PARTNERSHIP at your workplace, in our local schools, and other community agencies. These volunteer roles are crucial to our outreach efforts, as we raise awareness and funding to grow our program. (Contact us to discuss how your talents would be best utilized.)
  • ADULT SERVICES & SUPPORT – Adults with disabilities are the most under-served population in our area. We are developing programs that will offer therapeutic support, and opportunities for social interaction and connection. We are looking for adults with disabilities to share ideas and have open discussions about advocacy, awareness and various topics. Volunteers with experience, or a professional background working with adults with disabilities, are needed to help facilitate various events/programs. (Contact us to discuss how you can join our efforts.)

For more information on how you can be involved, please contact us at (843) 472-5215 or info@palmettopartnership.org.